Powder coating is a durable and reliable way to finish off metal, whether it’s meant for exterior or interior use. Your patio furniture, lawn decor, car and motorcycle all use powder coating to protect vulnerable metal from rain, snow and more.
If your powder coating is showing white or chalky spots or if it’s deteriorating in other ways, you might be worried—but winter powder coating isn’t always the best option.
Here’s a closer look at what you need to know about your powder-coated objects and how to protect them.
How weather affects powder coating
Here are some of the environmental factors that can affect your powder coat:
- Temperature: Generally, the ideal temperature to store powder-coated products is between 65°F and 80°F, but in practice, there are few spots on the planet where that’s possible year-round. For the most part, we simply have to acknowledge that the temperature may never be ideal. That’s why it’s good to store powder-coated objects indoors during extreme temperatures. Bonus: It will also help shield products from UV rays, which can destroy the glossiness and color.
- Humidity: If your powder coating was completed in a humid area, it can take on moisture and trap it during the curing process. This leads to a discolored or stained finish through entirely natural causes—but it’s not ideal. To better preserve your powder coating, try to store it in an area with 47 to 55 percent humidity.
- Quality: The quality of your powder coating also matters. You want to go with a company that can offer five- to 10-year finish grades, rather than the typical, entry-level quality that might only last 18 months. If you’re researching powder coating services, make sure to find a company that will stand behind their work for years to come.
- Type: Finally, the type of powder coating you choose will have an effect on how long it lasts. Fluoropolymers are typically the best choice for outdoor applications, since they can withstand UV rays, heat and humidity without losing gloss or sturdiness.
Applying powder coating to objects
Whether you want to coat or re-coat an object with powder coating, there are three basic steps.
First, the object is sandblasted. This removes dirt and debris, as well as paint or any other coating remnants. The sand or other particles strip the object down to bare metal.
Next the powder coating experts will apply rust deterrents and primers to the object. This improves the protection.
Finally, the powder coating is applied and allowed to cure. Typically, an object must be exposed to intense heat in order for the powder coating to cure properly. How long it stays in the oven and how hot the oven has to be depends on the type of powder coating chosen.
Now that you know how weather (especially winter weather) affects powder coating, make sure to get in touch with the team at Powder Vision Inc for assistance. We look forward to helping you with your next powder coating project.